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Find out about all the great work we are doing, or spend a little longer reading one of our longer read articles on variety of topics.


The Digital Age of Consent: 2 Years Later

THE LONG READ: On the occasion of the second anniversary of the digital age of consent being set in Ireland as 16, professor Brian O’Neill and Cliona Curley, take stock of its impact on children and asks if anything has fundamentally changed since its introduction.  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect across Europe two years ago on May 25th, 2018 and brought the issue of children’s personal data to the fore.  The GDPR introduced for the first time in the European Union special privacy protections for children. Children were identified in the GDPR as “vulnerable individuals” meriting “special protection”…


CyberSafe eLearning – Something a Busy Parent or Teacher has Always Needed

With the support of ReThink Ireland, we have created an interactive online eLearning course, covering…

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CyberSafeKids Newsletter – exclusive tips, news and a chance to win €100!

Did you read the CyberSafeKids September Newsletter? It has all the latest news on our…

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CyberSafeKids 6th Annual Report has been released!

Despite the challenges of 2021 and the global pandemic, we have produced a detailed overview…

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30k children and 7k teachers and parents – we turned 6 this month!

The first weeks of September is something similar like New Year’s, it always marks new…

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Don’t miss a thing – CyberSafeKids is all over the place!

While everyone’s busy preparing to go back to school, CyberSafeKids are busy trying to find…

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Google search tablet

Google’s New Safety Measures – our CEO Alex Cooney has her say!

Google has announced a raft of privacy changes for children who use their search engine…

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Listen & Learn!

If you’re not yet a podcast convert, it’s never too late…. The UK’s Parent Zone…

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A Letter to Parents

Dear Parents, We hope you’re having a wonderful summer and your kids have been able…

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CyberSafeKids and Littlewoods Ireland Facebook Live!

On April 7th 2021, Irish television presenter and radio host Laura Woods, and psychotherapist and…

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