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The Digital Age of Consent: 2 Years Later

THE LONG READ: On the occasion of the second anniversary of the digital age of consent being set in Ireland as 16, professor Brian O’Neill and Cliona Curley, take stock of its impact on children and asks if anything has fundamentally changed since its introduction.  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect across Europe two years ago on May 25th, 2018 and brought the issue of children’s personal data to the fore.  The GDPR introduced for the first time in the European Union special privacy protections for children. Children were identified in the GDPR as “vulnerable individuals” meriting “special protection”…


The Momo Challenge: What Parents really need to know

Last year my youngest lad came home from school terrified as he had heard that…

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The Difference Between Gaming and Addiction

Alexandra Tobias dialled 911. Her three month old son, Dylan had stopped breathing. She claimed…

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A Whole School Community Approach to Bullying Prevention and Intervention

Given the wide spread nature of ‘traditional’ bullying, the rapid growth of cyber-bullying and the…

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The best fight, is no fight! But…

Ok, it’s 2 minutes until the home time bell rings. I better get all my…

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The Changing Climate of CyberBullying in Irish Primary Schools

In nearly a decade of being a principal, I have experienced many changes within the…

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Tackling Cyberbullying as a Cultural Movement

It is important to know that bullying is not new, it has been around since…

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CyberSafeIreland publishes its third annual report

CyberSafeIreland publishes its third annual report and the results of research conducted with over 5000…

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The Challenge of Tackling Cyberbullying and Sexting in Schools

What do we mean by Cyberbullying and Sexting? Whilst technology offers many opportunities to us, there are risks…

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Using mindfulness to increase confidence and inclusiveness

How teachers can use mindfulness to increase children’s confidence and encourage inclusiveness in the classroom….

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