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The Digital Age of Consent: 2 Years Later

THE LONG READ: On the occasion of the second anniversary of the digital age of consent being set in Ireland as 16, professor Brian O’Neill and Cliona Curley, take stock of its impact on children and asks if anything has fundamentally changed since its introduction.  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect across Europe two years ago on May 25th, 2018 and brought the issue of children’s personal data to the fore.  The GDPR introduced for the first time in the European Union special privacy protections for children. Children were identified in the GDPR as “vulnerable individuals” meriting “special protection”…


First CyberChampion School in Ireland!

  St. Finian’s National School, Dillonstown in Co. Louth is the first school in Ireland…

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When I grow up…

What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s an age-old question almost…

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Opting out of social media!

   By a 4th year student, Ireland Generation Z has grown up online and…

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Gambling & Video Games

GAMBLING THROUGH VIDEO GAMES  Back in 2019 I highlighted the potential harms children could experience…

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Orla’s Story

This is Orla’s Story. As you will hear though, it could just as easily be…

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Squid Game: Not quite child’s play…

  If you have yet to hear about Squid Game, trust us, you are about…

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A reflection on Cyber Break 2021

So…how was it for you? As the dust settles on our second successful annual Cyber…

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Feeling like your family needs a digital detox? Try CyberBreak!

The world we live in now is hyperconnected by our smart devices – most of…

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It’s October and it’s Cyber Security Awareness Month!

Did you know that every year since 2004, the President of the United States of America…

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