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The Digital Age of Consent: 2 Years Later

THE LONG READ: On the occasion of the second anniversary of the digital age of consent being set in Ireland as 16, professor Brian O’Neill and Cliona Curley, take stock of its impact on children and asks if anything has fundamentally changed since its introduction.  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect across Europe two years ago on May 25th, 2018 and brought the issue of children’s personal data to the fore.  The GDPR introduced for the first time in the European Union special privacy protections for children. Children were identified in the GDPR as “vulnerable individuals” meriting “special protection”…


Encouraging empathy and inclusivity in the classroom and yard

Here’s a few thoughts and ideas I’ve come across that I find helpful for encouraging…

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Conversations to have with teens about bullying

A recent initiative in Kenya is a great example of how we can empower children to stand…

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CyberSafeIreland Co-founders present to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Children and Youth Affairs

CyberSafeIreland co-founders Alex Cooney, Maggie Brennan and Cliona Curley presented to the Oireachtas Joint Committee…

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CyberSafeIreland releases its second Annual Report

CyberSafeIreland has released its Annual Report for 2017 detailing our progress over the last year…

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CyberSafeIreland warns parents to think before sharing photos of their kids in school uniforms on social media

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Our Digital Lives: A compelling view of the impact of technology on society from the Making Ireland Click team

You may have caught the first three episodes of MAKING IRELAND CLICK, a great four…

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CyberSafeIreland submits contribution to Government Data Forum’s Consultation on the “Digital Age of Consent”

CyberSafeIreland is delighted to have been invited by the Government Data Forum to contribute to…

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When should we start talking to our children about Internet safety?

Online safety is a big worry for many parents. But at what age should we…

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CyberSafeIreland releases its first annual report

CyberSafeIreland has published its annual report covering progress over the 2015/2016 academic year. During this…

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